Saturday, December 13, 2008

Elder Wisdom Circle

Elder Wisdom Circle is a free service on the web which offers the opportunity for anyone to get advice on any subject from selected Elders. Elders are 60 years old or older. Legal issues, medical matters and financial advice are not given because of the terms of the charter. That does not mean that you cannot ask those kinds of questions, simply that the answers will not include specific advice that should come from a professional.

Each letter is answered individually by an elder or a group of elders, usually within a week. The more carefully you ask the question with pertinent details, the more complete an answer will be received.

Typically, the elder or group will share information from their own personal experience and may include links to websites that can provide thorough information relating to the question or problem.

If you click on the title of this article you will be taken to the homepage of Elder Wisdom Circle where you can read examples of letters sent and answered, and you may send in a request for help with any problem that bothers you.

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